Saturday, November 6, 2010


Do you think that you tend to know more people who die as you get older? Is it because we are older (and old people die more), or because as the years go by we collectively know more people, and therefore the stats are against us? We've had a few deaths lately, both unexpected, several deaths of family members in the last year, and more of both in the last few years. It's always unsettling to know or know of someone who dies. Just like an illness or other extremely stressful situation, you think of the family a lot, and in my case, think of your family a lot. Since the two most recent deaths were both unexpected, I find myself pondering the possibility of it happening to my immediate family. I have been thinking of this on and off since M's dad passed away, and my anxiety about it comes and goes. M seems relatively healthy, but so did the other people who died recently. Plus, accidents happen. I've also been thinking of this in light of a new project M and I have taken on (more on this later), and how hard it would be to do it on my own.

As an aside, we are having a nice weekend in Vermont. The weather is cool and crisp, and at times even sunny, though the leaves are all but gone. We took a couple of nice walks today by The Farmhouse, and had lunch at The Brewery with the kids. The best chicken wings I have ever had in my life. Worth the (so hungry!) forty-five minute wait. We'll probably hang around and meander back in time for Indian food with Lovely (former) Neighbors. Then M leaves to help his mom pack and move to her new house and I am ALONE WITH THE KIDS. Time to hunker down and only get the minimum done. In my case, that means nothing much beyond getting the kids dressed and ready for school, packing lunches, hanging out after school and being present for home visits, providing snacks and dinner and putting them to bed. And did I forget to mention, GETTING UP AT FOUR AM WITH SAM? Like I said, not much will get accomplished besides the necessities. Wish me luck!

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