Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Old friends

This last weekend we had the opportunity to hang out with some college friends. M and I went to school with Mr. H, and he and M lived together and were in the same fraternity. yes, the fact that we were both involved in the Greek system in college is our dirty little secret. mine was even the subject of a skit on Saturday Night Live. Mr. H and his wife were dating when we were in college, and she came to visit often, so we have known her for a long time too. They are actually, of our friends, the only people we know who have been together longer than we have. They came to Alaska on their honeymoon, and spent some time with us. We were able to set up a couple of things for them in Juneau (Glacier trek/ice climbing trip with helicopter comes to mind), but Mrs. H planned most of the trip herself, and did a fantastic job, even from the perspective of someone who lived there.

Anyway, even though they live in NH, and we have been back for over two years now, this is the first time that we have seen each other since we have been back east. They drove 2.5 hours and spent the night at the Farmhouse with their kids. It was one of those situations where it has been a while (probably since Sam's baby naming 7 years ago), and yet it was just the same. At one point, we were making dinner and all in the kitchen, and the kids were running around, and we looked at each other and I said, "This is weird!" But mostly it was weird because it wasn't. And M has reminded me that he and Mr. H saw each other once at Union for a Beer Pong Tourney, but that was through a haze of beer...

The kids got along fantastically. The "little" boys had a sleepover in The Little Person's room, and their daughter is just a really cool kid. They all went sledding down the grassy hill, and whined when it was time too leave, which we thought was a good sign.

It was a good way to end the summer. We spent time with friends, we ran around in VT and hiked and swam; we went to farm and checked out the cows, horses, sheep and chickens, and drove around country roads, "toodling." We got back in time for a leisurely dinner of take-out Indian food, and prep for The Little Person's first day of school. The Whole Day! Eating Lunch At School! Taking The Van Home!

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