The past several weeks have been unusually crazy. I went to OR for my annual girl trip with Aunty B. Then I chaired the scholastic book fair at The Little Person's School. I took The Little Person to the Legofest in Boston, M and I went to a live taping of the radio show Says You in Concord, MA; and M went to Alaska for a week for business. Did I mention we went apple picking? And our good friends from Juneau, came east to look at boarding schools for their son. They are staying at my parents house. I'm sure there is more, but I'm tired from my week of single parenting and being sick.
Other names The Little Person goes by are Little Bunny, Meatball, and Pickle. Let's go with Little Bunny for a while. LB for short. LB and I put up Halloween decorations we borrowed from Grandma on Saturday. LB decided the decorations weren't spooky enough, especially compared to our next door neighbors. So yesterday we went to the Halloween store (a.k.a iparty) and found some spookier stuff. I think we did pretty well. LB has also been getting into Legos. He actually started building things, mostly pirates and ships.

OK, the giant spider on the bush would be enough to keep me away from your house! :) Tell LB that Auntie She thinks that you are now quite spooky!