Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Chronological Order

4:45 am this morning: Sam wakes up, pees, and goes back to his room.
5:15 am this morning: Sam is up for the day. I give him access to the basement and T.V./computer and go back to lay down.
5:30 am: I put in an earplug and fall asleep till M wakes me at 7am. He got up with The Little Person at 6am.
7:30 am: M gets in the shower. Sam is running around "nudykins," I am informed. I am told He Is Going Crazy! This all appears to be true. The Little Person tells me he doesn't want me to go to work. He wants to go somewhere with daddy. He wants to go to Grandma's house. RIGHT NOW! I tell him I need coffee and that I only have 3 more work days and then I can be with him ALL THE TIME. Play With Me Momma, he says. We play dinosaurs and I tell him I don't like the word K-I-L-L.
7:45 am: M gets dressed and comes to get Sam dressed. Sam is not happy there is no school today. Either are we.

I support the military without supporting all of our military actions. That said, my cousin Matthew is serving in Guam and it goes without saying that I will be thinking of him today, as I do everyday.

1 comment:

  1. It's sweet that you thought of Matt on Veterans Day. I did too. Now if he would ever come home I might be able to spend some time with him. I really can't wait until he's on shore duty again.

