Thursday, February 4, 2010

New Computer New Post

Welcome to the new laptop. We got her last night and she's very pretty. All kinds of shiny buttons that do things I don't mean to when I touch them. So I attached a mouse, which has helped. That is how Sam will be using it anyway. Bad tummy this morning, so working out is well, out. I am still in the process of acquiring software for Sam for the new laptop. I have ordered a typing program that when you type the word (cat, for example) and press ENTER, a picture of a cat appears. And the laptop has a camera, so we could take a picture of Sam so his picture would pop up when he types his name. I also ordered a special timer to give him a visual and audible representation of time. I got the software so he can have a timer on the laptop when he is doing work. I have a call in to Children's Hospital, to purchase two types of software that they produce. I'll do a more detailed explanation of them when we get them. I am really excited to get everything set up for Sam. His teacher is coming for a home visit tomorrow, and I'm hoping she can help me with some of the If/Then boards and activity schedules. I still need to get a bulletin board, edibles for rewards and a clear box with sections to keep them in. And a good hiding spot!

The meeting for Sam went well. It was difficult for me and took some negotiating, but in the end things worked out the way we want them in a way that is best for Sam. M did a great job backing me up and explaining our position at the meeting. It helped a lot to have a fantastic partner.

Sam continues to get up early, which is killing us. I can only home that working on other ways to help him do work, be organized and communicate will have a trickle down effect on the rest of his behavior. As always, I am dying to know what's going on in there!

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