Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day One

Actually, tomorrow will be the first full day of The Cecil Diet since we didn't do any exercise today other than walking through COSTCO and chasing children (partly on a bike). My theory, is that if we do it together, it will help with our commitment and the success of our project. Of course, we have different goals. My goal is to feel happy, both physically, and when I look in the mirror. M's goal is to get in shape and lower his cholesterol, which was alarmingly high at his recent physical.

Most of it we already do, sort of, most of the time. It's getting that to doing all of it, really, more than most of the time. M must decide whether to kick his Arnold Palmer (ice-tea/lemonade combo) and twice a day mocha habit. I need to cut out (again), the sugar in my coffee, the sugar (period!), and maintain portion control. I eat well for the most part and exercise 2-3 times per week, but I would like to eat better and exercise (even if it's a walk) every day. I will be working out 3x/week with Mer, and when we are home on weekends, going to a yoga class. I feel like I look okay (mostly), but I would like to feel more comfortable in bathing suits and the like. Not to mention when I am sitting or bent over and everything feels all crushed together.

Why tell you this, you ask?

Because, in my experience, telling people something makes it more real. And the more people you tell, the more of a commitment. At least, that's my plan. I have done it before, so I know I can do this. I am not that far off actually, I just need a little kick in the ass. I am starting to slide into feeling a little more comfortable at a bigger size, which is a slippery slope. I'm in decent shape overall, and I think if I were a little thinner I would be able to do even more physically and would be able to see more of the results of my effort. Right now, I am mainly developing muscle, which is great, but I need to either exercise more and or eat less/differently if I want to see a significant change.

In other news, we are busy readjusting to life after vacation. The kids did AMAZING on the plane ride home. Best ever. It was a really fun trip, and we did a lot more than we have in the past. We went to the Palm Springs Aerial Tram, The Living Dessert, The Children's Discovery Museum of palm Desert, Joshua Tree, the big pool, and a hike in our favorite local place. We even all went out to lunch at an old school deli. It was busy, but we definitely got some chill time, alone and as a family. There were golf cart rides, neighborhood walks, and even some naps! I can't wait to go back.

We are busy planning Sam's 7th birthday festivities. There will be some mellow stuff on his Birth Day (this Wednesday) and a trip to an indoor water park in White River Junction, VT, as well as a proper party, complete with bouncy house in the backyard, pizza and a cool cake.

It is one of those weeks where we have SOMETHING, almost every day. The Little Person has a hearing evaluation tomorrow (because at first I was annoyed and then concerned at what I hope is just a four year old not paying attention to me and asking me "What did you just say?" every five minutes); Sam has a dentist appointment and his seven year physical; there are the Birthday Festivities and probably a home visit with Sam's teachers. Oh, and there is Mer, kicking my ass at the gym three times this week, and M has a chiropractor appointment tomorrow.

We in the process of are planning a house renovation to expand the master bathroom, change the look of the house and redo the deck (because it is falling apart). My job is to start calling folks to discuss design ideas and get appropriate referrals. I sense we will need an architect as well as contractor, but that still needs to be determined. As an aside, M is looking into applying to the show This Old House to help us in this endeavor. We are not looking to save money so much as we feel like those guys are experts who do a great job, are from our area, and have access to fantastic resources. Saving money and adding some "green features," would be a bonus.

Also, the vegetable garden needs to be planted, and we need to pick out some perennials, bushes and a tree or two for the front yard. Going to the nursery for flowers and plants in the spring is sort of a Mother's Day tradition for my Dad and I that started when Sam is born. It always makes me happy. When the Sam was a baby, and we lived in Alaska, my dad would go to the nursery there and pick stuff out for me, and plant it. Now that I am in a better place, I enjoy going with him. Sometimes we get crazy and bring The Little Person.

That weekend, Sam and I are doing the NECC walk, which is an fundraising walk that benefits the New England Center for Children, which coordinates with our town to run Sam's program (for kids with autism spectrum disorders) in the public school. I did it alone last year, to scope it out, and I think Sam can handle it. Of course, I am bringing Babysitter Extraordinaire for help and moral support as well as good conversation. We will be on a team from our town, comprised of families, staff at the program, and friends. That's also the same day as Sam's birthday party. The other half of our family will come out for the walk if they can make it after soccer practice. It is a lot, considering The Little Person has another birthday party that day, and Mother's Day is the day after, but it was the best way to get all of our parents there. My plan on Mother's Day is to ditch my family and hang out with both the Mom's for the day. I imagine there will be some shopping and a good lunch involved. Maybe a spa treatment if I am lucky.

As The Little Person Says, "Is that it?" And the answer is YES. For now.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Before I Go Gently Into That Goodnight

Actually, he thing I'm proudest or most amazed about, is that I am up at 10PM. the first night I fell asleep by 8, and the last two nights I may have made it until 9 or 9:30. Tonight I even watched T.V. Of course, all the shows I like are on the same night at the same times. So we switch back and forth between American Idol, Biggest Loser and Glee. Lost, we will just watch another time.

The big news here is, well there isn't a whole lot. Sam made it to 7:30 tonight without falling asleep and needing to be carried to bed or napping in the afternoon (or morning, the first day). (Sam's) Puppy got left up at the top of the Palm Springs Aerial Tram and had to be ferried down. I made lemonade from real lemons. Today we went to Joshua Tree and the kids had a great time climbing around on the rocks. The Little Person is very busy finding things to spray with his "water squirter." Mostly ants, I'm afraid. Poor things.

It is fairly windy here right now, but still not cold, which seems weird to me. It actually feels great outside, aside from the sound. M and I are fairly well rested, since my parents have gotten up with the kids for the last 3 days. We are midway through the trip and there are still so many things to do. Part of me wants to do all the fun activities, and the other just wants to hole away and read my books and magazines. It's like at night, when I want to stay up and play games and be social, but the idea of hanging out by myself and reading sounds more appealing. I'm torn, but not really.

Sam is doing okay. He's definitely having fun, but being out of his routine is definitely affecting him. Less choosing to communicate with the three thousand technological devices we brought, and more whining and crying or just getting in to stuff. Like the soap dispenser at the kitchen sink. Now we have no more. He even tried to wash the lemons he picked from the yard with dish soap.

The Little Person got stung by a bee yesterday. Fortunately he is not allergic. The Ranger at
J-Tree today gave the kids some junior ranger booklets and The Little Person took his with him when we climbed around, and tried to identify all the animals form the booklet. Pretty damn cute. Pop and I took him for a walk before bed and the kid asked questions THE WHOLE TIME. Bless his heart, my Dad's only comment was, "He asks a lot of good questions!" Yes, and we know who he inherited that bit of curiosity from!

Swimming at the big pool was a little overwhelming, so we have ben sticking to the water feature in the backyard and activities within an hour or so from the house, since the kids are good in the car. It's kind of tiring, but kind of fun to try some new things. We found a dinosaur museum, so we may check that out. Also, M and I saw one of the bigger spiders I have ever seen on a walk one night. It wasn't just big, but thick, if you know what I mean. And the lizards we saw at the bottom of the tram were small but had kind of thick slick middles that made them resemble rats. Lizard rats. Between that and the rattlesnakes we didn't do too much exploring when we hit the bottom.
I think I'm starting to feel restored. Maybe I'l be able to stay up late enough for a date night before we go...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunny Shine and Grandparents

So, the trip was long. And t started when we woke up at 3:30AM and got picked up for he airport at 4AM. Getting through security and on the plane was fine. We are pretty adept at pulling the autism card at security and going to the front of the line, which is good, because the line was long and the two minutes we had to wait were tough for Sam. Then we sat on the tarmac for a while due to some computer malfunction. The kids were great on the first flight. Then we had a three plus hour layover in L.A.That was hard. But the last flight was short and easy and we made it. One thing that has proven difficult in the past is waiting for the bags with the kids and getting the rental car. So we have come up with a solution that works pretty well. The Palm Springs airport is small and is partially outside in the middle. And there's a park. So M goes to take care of bags and car and I go to the park. That was all fine until The Little Person got sand in his eyes. How you ask? I don't know. Is that wrong?

After I washed the sand out by splashing water in his face, M called and said he couldn't get a cart. First he didn't have change and then the machine didn't work. So we walked with the kids and the four bags out to the rental car. AWESOME. I may or may not have dragged a bag or two. Once we are in the car, we're golden. Except The Little Person usually cries. The whole way to Grandma's house. But not this time. He did TALK the whole way, but that's another story. So the kids did well; they both carried their own backpacks, and the Little Person didn't cry. Sam fell asleep a little before 6PM, and at first the plan was to wake him up at 7 and keep him up for a few hours before putting him to bed. But nobody had the heart to wake him, so M finally carried him off to bed and put him out of his misery. Then he slept till 12:30AM, 2:30, 3:30 and 4. Finally Grandma came to my rescue and we slept till 7! Lazy day with playing in the backyard and going to the big pool. Sam took a nap before lunchtime, so he should be good to go tonight. Afternoon rest/movie for the kids and reading a book in the casita time for Mommy. And golf cart rides for all!

Sam refuses to put on shorts other than his bathing suit, but I will try to get a good picture of him to upload, hopefully with a good view of his missing teeth.

I am just about caught up on trashy magazines. I found out that Oprah was gay and Tori Spelling is anorexic. Go figure!

Friday, April 16, 2010

How far We Have Come

This may not mean a lot to most people, but Sam just let me use the computer downstairs. he did not whine and cry, or stand absurdly close. He sat quietly on the couch and watched Shrek. I didn't even realize I was doing it at first, I just absentmindedly opened the browser while using the desk phone to order Thai food. But then I looked over and saw Sam, and realized how different our life is then when we arrived in Massachusetts almost two years ago now.

We no longer watch TV non-stop. We no longer have iCarly/Nickelodeon on 24/7. When Sam wants something, he asks nicely. When he cries, it is because he is sad, and he accepts comfort from us. We can set limits. Due to the fact that his "behaviors" at school are virtually nil, he is accomplishing a lot of work. He takes his turn with toys at home. He shares with Max. He almost seems more mature than his little brother for the first time.

And yet he is still Sam. Still getting up at 4 (though we have had some 5 and 5:30 days recently), still having spaghetti or pizza for breakfast, still finding the key and sneaking into the pantry for off limits candy. Still the best smile in the world. Still more of a head nuzzler than a hugger (though he has surprised me a few times recently with real hugs). Still peeing all over the toilet seat. I have always said that if h elistened, if his behavior was under control, than I didn't care about the other stuff. And it's true. I am more relaxed with him than I have ever been. I even, dare I say, enjoy him! I will do everything I can to make life easier for him and to help him be as successful as possible, but as long as he is happy and trying his best, I am more than satisfied. Ask Mrs. H, his teacher, he is a very hard working little guy.

Oh, and this is super cute. Apparently, he is having a social interaction with a friend on the school van. And they both love it. I think this is the first year since his first birthday that I have looked forward to celebrating. I still don't know exactly what toy he would want (though I am a pretty good guesser), and I'm not sure exactly how much he will anticipate his birthday, but I am confident that that gorgeous smile will be in attendance when we bring out the flaming birthday cake! Seven candles! I am starting to feel less like a victim and more like a survivor. We are not over autism, but it no longer defines us.

Tomorrow the cab is picking us up at 4AM for the airport (which, as I told Lovely Neighbor, is early, even for us!). I think I will have a small amount of anxiety at least until we are safely settled on the first flight, and maybe till we get into the rental car and drive to The Grandparents. But I know we will have a great trip.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Another Day, Another Dollar

This is just a short post to say Sam's Speech Therapy appointment at Children's went great (apart from the fact that I didn't have to go. Gotta love that husband). Apparently he did a ton of work, and when he started to lose it and requested an edible, Mrs. H told him that he needed to do work first. So apparently, he looked at the Speech Therapist, and nudged her, like "Let's get this show on the road, lady!"

Uber (does that mean "Super?") tired today. Twas my day to sleep, but M had a physical (his first real physical since I've known him) at 6:15AM. With fasting lab work. However, considering his Dad had a fatal heart attack almost two years ago, and was in good health/shape, this is a good thing. They even gave him an EEG. turns out, his heart didn't concern the doctor nearly as much as his cholesterol! Since he already eats well, it may require medication. He needs to go back in six weeks for a re-test. The Little Person and I went to lunch at Friendly's. My stomach was not thrilled with the chicken strips basket and fries I ate. But, I thought it better than just going for the Reece's Pieces Sundae. Alas while M was taking Sam and Mrs. H to speech I was watering the plants at my parents house. The downstairs watering went well (minor spillage), but the upstairs was fraught with problems. Apparently I watered a little more than was necessary, and it took A LONG TIME for it to stop dripping out of the dish. So, by the time I walked home and had breakfast, it was almost time to get The Little Person. The cleaning people were working their magic, so we couldn't go home. I voted for Be Good followed by J.P. Licks, but I was overruled by a small hot dog lover.

Later on, I did have an awesome power nap, followed by some power multi-tasking. I sent out the invites (okay, evites) for Sam's birthday party, and got through the majority of things on my list before we leave Saturday (so early it's almost like leaving Friday) for California. Of course, my new potential bathing suits with the board shorts have not arrived, and it's too late to schedule a waxing.

Also, my evening was made better by the case of wine that Luke sent from Oregon. I contacted him as soon as I heard you could now ship alcohol to Massachusetts. It's as good as I remember. I think M may have put the kids to bed while I was writing this, which means I can now go in the living room and say innocently, "Where are the kids?"

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Post Christmas Letdown

Not sure if I can post to the blog outside here in my adirondack chair, but I can certainly type and post later. It is a little cool though in the shade, which is the only place I can see to write. I have taken off my sun hat and sunglasses, and am taking advantage of a few moments of peace. I am writing because I am not feeling motivated to do much else.

Sam threw up on the van this morning (I think as he was getting off), so M went to pick him up around 9ish after he dropped off The Little Person. I cancelled my workout plans (sorry Mer), to stay home with the boy while M went to go look at a house we were considering for living or for an investment. The house is almost 300 years old, on over 2 acres, in our town, and appeared to be a screaming deal. It has only been on the market a few days, and we heard about it from The Lovely Neighbors. Did I mention it has a pool? Anyway, M left, and Sam (fine except for a fever) hung out for a few minutes and then went to pick up The Little Person from school. Then we went over to the house to meet M, so I could take a look.

To make a long story short, I don't think we will be buying it. It is certainly a unique old house, and has a lot of the features that are in our ideal vision of a house. And it's pretty close to our current house. The thing is, I wasn't wowed. The house needs a lot of work, both inside and out to make it as amazing as it could be. And even though we have the time, and are financially in a situation to make it happen, I'm not sure I want to. First of all, I am very happy with where I am. The house we live in is not architecturally unique, and it doesn't have a lot of land, but it is in good condition, it has a nice fenced in yard and good security for Sam inside the house. Plus it has a finished basement and I like the kitchen. And I really like the neighborhood. The other house is more isolated, and it is not move in ready (at least for our family with our particular needs). As an investment, it is not likely to bring a huge profit even in tip top shape, and the idea of fixing it up doesn't get me all excited like you would want before a big renovation.

The thing is, even though I didn't really want it, and it made me realize that I'm happy where I am, I feel that sort of post-Christmas let down you get after you open all of the presents, or the day after Christmas. I think I got all excited about the Possibility of Change. Now I have to rev myself up for doing things to the house we live in, to make it even better for the long term. I just think it's funny that I'm sort of depressed about not buying a house I wasn't even looking for.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Safe At Home

I just wandered around the house for 15 minutes looking for my coffee, if that is any indication of things around here. It was so hot last night that I couldn't sleep, so about 12:30AM I went down to the basement where it was much cooler. I think I dozed for a while, but then something woke me, and I couldn't stop thinking of Sam's impending oral surgery. I watched TV for a while, and then Sam woke up at 4. At 5 I let Sam out and M got up while I went back to bed until 8. Sam was NPO (nothing to eat or drink) after midnight Wednesday, so we emptied the snack drawer and hid the hot dogs in the pantry under lock and key. Babysitter Extraordinaire (BE) had made a couple of batches of jello for Sam, so he ate some of that along with some watered down apple juice. We didn't send Sam to school today, so after The Little Person went to school we three just hung out for a while and got our stuff together.

The worst part was the wait, we had to wait in various places for about an hour and a half at the hospital. Also, parking was free, which would have been great if there had been any. Sam looked really cute in the hospital gown, and Matt and I wore gowns over our clothes so we could go in with him while they sedated him. Aside from being asked the EXACT same questions at least 5 times, the staff couldn't have been nicer or more accommodating. Once they started the sedation (a tube they wave in the vicinity of your mouth), it was only a minute or two before he was out. Then they put the mask on and voila! We were told it would be over an hour, and they don't want you to eat in the waiting room (because of the kids who can't eat before surgery), so we went down to the cafeteria and ended up at an outside table and chairs. We wiled away an hour playing on our laptop and blackberries and sharing some french fries and then headed back. As we sat down in the waiting room someone was coming to get us to let us know Sam was awake!

This was the worst part. When we got there he was struggling and crying against the tubes and wires and bandages, and there was dried blood on his face by his nose. He was also missing his two front teeth! In total he had three teeth pulled (the two front and a molar) and one cavity filled. They also put a sealant on all of his teeth. He was very agitated and after they had checked his vitals and given him some apple juice they said we could take him home. M went to get the car, and I waited with the struggling child. Then we walked him (I ended up carrying him) to the car and entrance where M was waiting. Once he got in the car, he was fine, totally calm, if not a little confused. He passed out soon after and slept most of the way home. At home he got on the couch with a blanket and relaxed to Spongebob. He and I snuggled for a while, and M went to pick up The Little Person from the babysitters.

That was about 2 hours ago, and he's already been outside since then and is now swinging in the basement and playing on the computer. Ah, the healing of a little boy! Unfortunately, he can't eat whatever he wants yet (clear liquids till dinner, and then chicken noodle soup, and soft solids tomorrow) and can't go to school tomorrow, but other than that, (and us being tired from a combination of early wake-up and anxiety over the unknown) we are doing great and the worst is definitely over. The Small People are both coughing intermittently and due to parental exhaustion I think the TV will be on for a while to ease the parenting duties. Hopefully, Sam will sleep well and easy tonight. One can always dream...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Super Kid

Sam's first professional haircut! YAY Sammy!!
After which he went to the toy store and chose a Jack In The Box.

Monday, April 5, 2010

I'm Back

Sorry for the hiatus, but M was in Alaska for a week, and after getting up at 4AM for nine days in a row, it was all I could do to cope, let alone write. Actually, I had my moments, but overall, it wasn't too bad. I had a good amount of help and adult interaction. It helped to simplify my activities, a.k.a. do nothing I did not absolutely have too. That said, I did attempt a couple of crazy things, including taking both kids to Pump It Up for a party with the Family Autism Center (Sam cried the whole time and The Little Person threw a huge fit when we left), and went to an autism workshop one night put together by our pediatrician's office (got lost and after arriving an hour late, figured out that I was actually a half hour early, so I helped set up). I skipped The Little Person's swimming lesson to nap on the couch while he watched TV, but I did take him to the movies to see How To Train Your Dragon in 3-D on the night my parents watched Sam so I could sleep in past 4AM (7Am never felt so wonderful). We got dinner and had a date night, though I wouldn't let him sleep with me and I didn't put out. Then there was the night The Pugs came over, with their person, my Trainer, Mer. The kids had a great time chasing the dogs around the house until they went to bed, and then Mer and I had dinner and pomegranate martinis. That was a mistake. They were a little, how do you say....STRONG! So, I was hurting a little the next day, and that was the morning of the Pump It Up party. Also, there was some unidentified stuff in my bathroom that made me want to call CSI, but that's another story.

So, M got back Thursday night, and then after the ceremonial Handing Over Of The Children, I slept a little, worked out and got some beauty treatments. Friday afternoon we left for an overnight in Boston to celebrate M's birthday. The kids were in good hands, with Babysitter Extraordinaire (BE) as our Christmas present. The trip was excellent. The first time we've ever gone and stayed in a nice hotel together. Now we may have to do it every year. We stayed at The Fairmont, Copley Plaza, and got bumped up to the concierge level with a view of Copley Square. The room was beautiful, and the staff made us feel like royalty. That night, we did some shopping and wandering around before dinner. I got some fabulous boots at Fluevog, which I wore with my dress to dinner. We took a cab over to Oya, which I had made reservations at a month before. It was incredible from the second we walked in. It looks like a hole in the wall, down some random alley near Chinatown, and there was only a small sign to give you a clue where the restaurant was. The door was a big industrial door, and when you walked in, you would never have believed you just came in from the alley. It was like a little hideaway. The staff was great, and we had about 12 courses of mini plates (an Asian version of tapas), with mostly nigiri sushi and sashimi. Good wine/beer and elegantly plated. We were well sated, but not overstuffed. It was everything I wanted it to be. Note: it is not cheap, but well worth it for a special meal.

We slept great in our king sized bed, and had a leisurely breakfast upstairs at the hotel, and went to do more wandering. We got coffee and went to The Apple Store. There was a line around the block, but if you were not purchasing, you could go right in and try out an iPad. So we did! It was pretty fun to play with it. Then we walked down Newbury Street and looked for a lunch place. We ended up at Stephanie's, which was great. Afterwards, we got ourselves together at the hotel and started home. All in all, one of the best times we have had in a long, long time. Happy Birthday sweetie!

Yesterday we hooked up with a friend who was a VISTA volunteer with me our first year in Alaska. She and her family were camping in Middleboro, and stopped by on Sunday morning with a LOT OF DONUTS. The kids all played well, and we had a lot of fun catching up and meeting her husband, who was a good six inches taller than M (Mis 6'2"). W whiled away the sunny afternoon gardening and playing in the yard, and then had The Grandparents over for a BBQ. Pretty, pretty good weekend. Somehow, though, I feel like I need to recover! I got up at That Hour with Sam today, and had to nap this afternoon. This is the first day The Little Person has not had a fever since Thursday, so he went to school, swimming and then Grandma's. More playing in the yard with Lovely Neighbors, and it's almost time for bed. The big goings on this week are Sam's cavity getting filled at the hospital on Thursday (they are going to put him under for the procedure). So that will be fun. Good times...