Most of it we already do, sort of, most of the time. It's getting that to doing all of it, really, more than most of the time. M must decide whether to kick his Arnold Palmer (ice-tea/lemonade combo) and twice a day mocha habit. I need to cut out (again), the sugar in my coffee, the sugar (period!), and maintain portion control. I eat well for the most part and exercise 2-3 times per week, but I would like to eat better and exercise (even if it's a walk) every day. I will be working out 3x/week with Mer, and when we are home on weekends, going to a yoga class. I feel like I look okay (mostly), but I would like to feel more comfortable in bathing suits and the like. Not to mention when I am sitting or bent over and everything feels all crushed together.
Why tell you this, you ask?
Because, in my experience, telling people something makes it more real. And the more people you tell, the more of a commitment. At least, that's my plan. I have done it before, so I know I can do this. I am not that far off actually, I just need a little kick in the ass. I am starting to slide into feeling a little more comfortable at a bigger size, which is a slippery slope. I'm in decent shape overall, and I think if I were a little thinner I would be able to do even more physically and would be able to see more of the results of my effort. Right now, I am mainly developing muscle, which is great, but I need to either exercise more and or eat less/differently if I want to see a significant change.
In other news, we are busy readjusting to life after vacation. The kids did AMAZING on the plane ride home. Best ever. It was a really fun trip, and we did a lot more than we have in the past. We went to the Palm Springs Aerial Tram, The Living Dessert, The Children's Discovery Museum of palm Desert, Joshua Tree, the big pool, and a hike in our favorite local place. We even all went out to lunch at an old school deli. It was busy, but we definitely got some chill time, alone and as a family. There were golf cart rides, neighborhood walks, and even some naps! I can't wait to go back.
We are busy planning Sam's 7th birthday festivities. There will be some mellow stuff on his Birth Day (this Wednesday) and a trip to an indoor water park in White River Junction, VT, as well as a proper party, complete with bouncy house in the backyard, pizza and a cool cake.
It is one of those weeks where we have SOMETHING, almost every day. The Little Person has a hearing evaluation tomorrow (because at first I was annoyed and then concerned at what I hope is just a four year old not paying attention to me and asking me "What did you just say?" every five minutes); Sam has a dentist appointment and his seven year physical; there are the Birthday Festivities and probably a home visit with Sam's teachers. Oh, and there is Mer, kicking my ass at the gym three times this week, and M has a chiropractor appointment tomorrow.
We in the process of are planning a house renovation to expand the master bathroom, change the look of the house and redo the deck (because it is falling apart). My job is to start calling folks to discuss design ideas and get appropriate referrals. I sense we will need an architect as well as contractor, but that still needs to be determined. As an aside, M is looking into applying to the show This Old House to help us in this endeavor. We are not looking to save money so much as we feel like those guys are experts who do a great job, are from our area, and have access to fantastic resources. Saving money and adding some "green features," would be a bonus.
Also, the vegetable garden needs to be planted, and we need to pick out some perennials, bushes and a tree or two for the front yard. Going to the nursery for flowers and plants in the spring is sort of a Mother's Day tradition for my Dad and I that started when Sam is born. It always makes me happy. When the Sam was a baby, and we lived in Alaska, my dad would go to the nursery there and pick stuff out for me, and plant it. Now that I am in a better place, I enjoy going with him. Sometimes we get crazy and bring The Little Person.
That weekend, Sam and I are doing the NECC walk, which is an fundraising walk that benefits the New England Center for Children, which coordinates with our town to run Sam's program (for kids with autism spectrum disorders) in the public school. I did it alone last year, to scope it out, and I think Sam can handle it. Of course, I am bringing Babysitter Extraordinaire for help and moral support as well as good conversation. We will be on a team from our town, comprised of families, staff at the program, and friends. That's also the same day as Sam's birthday party. The other half of our family will come out for the walk if they can make it after soccer practice. It is a lot, considering The Little Person has another birthday party that day, and Mother's Day is the day after, but it was the best way to get all of our parents there. My plan on Mother's Day is to ditch my family and hang out with both the Mom's for the day. I imagine there will be some shopping and a good lunch involved. Maybe a spa treatment if I am lucky.
As The Little Person Says, "Is that it?" And the answer is YES. For now.