Thursday, September 10, 2009

I love school!

Sam has been doing great at school. There has been one incident where he, ahem, exposed himself (peed while on the playground), but we seem to have overcome that by getting him to use the bathroom prior to recess. GENIUS, I know. See, when a child doesn't speak, sometimes you forget to talk to him as much as you would a Chatty Cathy like the little person in our house (which is not always a bad thing), and forget to tell him things like where the bathroom is in a store, or remind him to use the bathroom before going outside. Because, he's a boy, and he's certainly not the only little boy I've seen pee outside, but he forgets to do it in the woods instead of in the middle of the playground, or off the top of a climbing structure.

Sam did fall out of a tree this week. In our backyard. A tree he climbs frequently, but he was hanging off of a branch that was a little smaller and less strong, and it broke. He was not hurt, and because not sustaining injuries is kind of his superpower, he landed perfectly on his feet. Like a Puma. The branch was huge (bigger than his six foot tall Dad), and the two of the kids spent the rest of the day trying to "plant" it in the ground or attach it to another tree.

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