I promise to recommit myself to you, dear readers, if you give me another chance. I'll try not to have it go on this long again.
The good news is that Sam is getting an iPad for school. That is a huge relief. I still feel behind on doing daily one-on-one work with Sam, so I need to get on that. He continues to get up at an absurd hour, one that I will not repeat, since I will be visiting it in about six hours. Through The Little Person, we've made friends that I hope enjoy us as much as we do them. I feel struck by my recent realization that Sam is moving ahead in grade levels he surely hasn't passed. I'm still trying to come to terms with that.
I've found Sam a new swimming instructor, who will teach him at her home pool. We are crossing our fingers that this works out. The Little Person is going to learn from her as well. I'm cautiously optimistic...
We are working on some potential house renovations. Trying to alleviate some small problems, and also to stay in our house during construction. For Sam. Moving out would be really stressful for me as far as keeping an eye on Sam. Our house is such a safe haven for us with him. I don't think I'd realized that until just now. Have a few nice trips planned for the next several months. Without children. Taking advantage of the opportunity to connect with close friends from Juneau and high school (me).
The Little Person and I (and Gram today) have been going to the beach at the lake. I have really enjoyed it. It's a cool option to have nearby. I am looking forward to taking Sam. I think I will bring buddy, to be helpful with Sam (or The Little Person). Vegetable garden is coming along. More planting to do!
The thing that has taken up a lot of our time, at least our thinking time, is discussion about renovating our house. We would like to give the outside character as well as curb appeal and renovate two of the bathrooms. What we do is spend lots of time driving around and discussing what we like, or looking up pictures on the internet. Or drawing pictures (M, not me) to explain our ideas.
That's all I got. For now.
Glad you're back and everyone is well.