Thursday, May 6, 2010

With New Eyes

My goal for this week is to observe and appreciate The Little Person. Sure, he does a lot of things that drive me nuts, but he is beautiful and funny and Little. Still little. And I want to enjoy him while I can. While he still wants to be with me. I feel like I spend so much of my time yelling at him lately, and instead I am trying to have empathy. To snuggle a little extra, smile instead of getting mad, and be on his side a little more. So far, it's working.

Today we are going to Tangerini's Farm, in Millis. Friends of ours have a share as part of a CSA program, and gave it to us while they are on vacation this week. I don't think there is a whole lot growing yet, but I think it will be fun to go see the farm and the plants and animals. Plus, they have ice-cream.

Personally, I am exhausted. I feel like a broken record about the tired thing, but there we are. My mini goal for the day is to squeeze in a rest period. Maybe it is something beyond getting up at 4 that is making me so low energy. I think I will consider that...after a nap.

Sam took his iPad to school today to try it out in that venue. M took off all of the fun apps, so we'll see how that goes. So far, I'm going with no news is good news. This weekend is the 5K fundraising walk for the school that partners with Sam's program in our town. I haven't done a very good job fundraising, mainly because I hate to do it. It's still on my list, so maybe I'll get some sort of request/plea out tonight. Then on Saturday night we have Sam's birthday party. I am actually looking forward to it. I hope he enjoys it.

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