Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The best part of my day!

I have mentioned before that on my days to get up early with Sam, we often snuggle together on the couch. Now, it has progressed to him waiting for me when I come out, and the length of time snuggling has increased. That is the good part. Today this started at 5am. When it ended, Sam went down to the basement to play on the computer, set up elaborate train tracks, and watch nick at night (I have started to see the genius in Family Matters). Today, however, instead of coming up once for juice or to grab a snack/breakfast for himself, came up every 5 minutes. Literally. I would no sooner lay back down, then he would be bounding back up the steps (he only knows how to run LOUDLY up and down stairs) to get more cereal with rice milk/blueberries (he ate two containers this morning), or just to check out the scene. Which limited my parenting OTC (on the couch).

We went to VT for the weekend. It was fun even though our friends who were supposed to join us had their car break down and get towed back to MA, and my MIL left early to avoid the snow. When we arrived and were cooking dinner, The Little Person told his first actual, well delivered, joke. "What did the bee say to the flower? (Pause) HELLOOO Honey!" No idea where he heard it, but it was hilarious. We called the other Grandparents in CA to tell them.

We did a lot of sledding, and even got the kids to carry their own sleds, which was a miracle. We took the kids on the snowmobiles and they LOVED IT! Sam kept turning around to see The Little Person and I. The kids were super cute with ski goggles on. The Little Person still talked non-stop, but I couldn't hear him over the buzz of the snowmachine (snowmachine/snowmobile...you can take the girl out of Alaska, but you can't take the Alaska out of the girl). I got the opportunity to go skate skiing with a friend, and M went downhill skiing a couple of times. We did A LOT of eating. Now we are watching The Biggest Loser and I am thinking about that chocolate bar from last night. Oh well. Today's a new day, right?

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