Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day from...well it was a day

I got up at 4am, AND I WAS NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT. I let Sam out too pee twice, and then told him to be quiet 2 or 3 times. Then after trying unsuccessfully to get my spouse wake-up, I unhappily out to the couch. I lasted till 7:15, and when The Little Person was still sleeping, begged for an extra hour of sleep. It was graciously, if not enthusiastically, granted. When I was woken up at 8:40, children gone, I was slightly less bitter. I quickly ate a bowl of cereal, showered and dressed, getting ready for our appointment with the Speech Pathologist at Children's Hospital who specializes in augmented communication, including assisted technology. We had a little scuffle getting out the door because we could not find (and still have not located) Sam's iPod (and confirmed it had not gone to school with him), which was a big part of the appointment. Having searched EVERYWHERE, we left without it, to go pick up Sam and his one-on-one teacher Mrs. H, for the appointment. When we arrived, Sam was okay, having recovered from his disappointment that there was no spaghetti in his lunch (he had however, already had some before 7am, at home). The ride there was uneventful, though parking was semi-interesting because we couldn't fit in the parking garage. The problem you ask? The box on top of the car !&5$#@!#$! made us too tall for the garage. So we finally located another (mostly) legal parking space and proceeded to the appointment, amazingly, still on time. Oh, one more thing. In the car we realized that in addition to misplacing the iPod , Mrs. H had forgotten Sam's PECs book, which he uses to communicate at school. So we were on time, and totally unprepared. AWESOME!

They took us fairly quickly and then sat us in a small empty room for an interview with a grad student intern. Sam has a hard time waiting generally, so this part was particularly painful, especially since once the interview was over, we had to wait in said empty room for the intern to update the Doctor. This is our second time, and apparently you go through this process EVERY TIME. So I took Sam to the bathroom, and then for a walk down the hall to the waiting area where some toys were. Then the intern came to get everyone. By this time, Sam had already been waiting for longer than he is generally abel, and then it was time for him to PERFORM! You can imagine how that went. I just sort of sat in a chair around the small conference table trying to talk with Dr. S, monitor S, and cringe from frustration/embarrassment. Oh, and cringing from pain. I did some weird thing to my back which causes it to spasm when I move or breathe certain ways.

Actually the appointment went well, in that it was FAR MORE productive than 6 months ago. Mrs. H got Sam to do a little bit of work for Dr. S, enough so that he didn't think we were totally off our rockers when we described what he knew. Plus, we addressed a couple of issues that will be helpful for Sam. He will have the opportunity to work with the folks at Children's on a one-on-one basis (with Mrs. H), and Dr.S put in the report his recommendation for Sam to receive speech and OT (one-on-one) at school. Plus, we will all get trained in some new software for Sam to use at school and at home too. May have to get him his own computer (a Mac) just for doing work.

Then we went to my parents' house and dropped off Sam and picked up The Little Person for his appointment at the ophthalmologist (he has a lazy eye they monitor). M left to return Mrs. H's glasses that she left in the car and go grocery shopping. After the appointment, we stopped to get more of the Greek yogurt I'm obsessed with and the book we left at the eye Dr.'s office. When we returned M had not even left to go shopping yet and because I had not eaten since my cereal at breakfast and it was 3:30, I had a small freak out from which I recovered after food and caffeine provided by M. Then Max and I snuggled in his bed while I tried unsuccessfully to nap (he was very sweet, but only left me alone for about 10 minutes before informing me it was time to wake up) and I decided it was time to consider what was left of my day. Exercise? Seems doubtful. Hot tub? Good idea. Wine? Possible. I am attending a Mom's Night Out event at a beer pub. I don't drink beer, but I pray they have something besides beer and English Pub Food. At least I'll skip putting the kids to bed and get to sleep in (and start the diet and exercise routine again) in the morning.

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