Sunday, November 28, 2010
Post vacay recovery
Saturday, November 6, 2010
As an aside, we are having a nice weekend in Vermont. The weather is cool and crisp, and at times even sunny, though the leaves are all but gone. We took a couple of nice walks today by The Farmhouse, and had lunch at The Brewery with the kids. The best chicken wings I have ever had in my life. Worth the (so hungry!) forty-five minute wait. We'll probably hang around and meander back in time for Indian food with Lovely (former) Neighbors. Then M leaves to help his mom pack and move to her new house and I am ALONE WITH THE KIDS. Time to hunker down and only get the minimum done. In my case, that means nothing much beyond getting the kids dressed and ready for school, packing lunches, hanging out after school and being present for home visits, providing snacks and dinner and putting them to bed. And did I forget to mention, GETTING UP AT FOUR AM WITH SAM? Like I said, not much will get accomplished besides the necessities. Wish me luck!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
In which I get all mushy about my kids and Halloween
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Little Bunny doesn't know his letters
Monday, October 11, 2010
Back Again

The past several weeks have been unusually crazy. I went to OR for my annual girl trip with Aunty B. Then I chaired the scholastic book fair at The Little Person's School. I took The Little Person to the Legofest in Boston, M and I went to a live taping of the radio show Says You in Concord, MA; and M went to Alaska for a week for business. Did I mention we went apple picking? And our good friends from Juneau, came east to look at boarding schools for their son. They are staying at my parents house. I'm sure there is more, but I'm tired from my week of single parenting and being sick.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Old friends
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
First day of school
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
The Little Person
- Lying because he thinks we will be mad that he did or didn't do something.
- Lying because he thinks what we will do will hurt and he is scared.
- Telling stories about his "Grandpa." This would be cute except when asked he says he's talking about my grandfather or M's Dad, both of whom have passed away. It's kind of cute in that he imagines a relationship with them. His Grandpa is like an imaginary friend who lets him do anything, and does anything with and buys anything for him. Lot's of it doesn't make a lot of sense literally, but shows a lot of imagination.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Birds and farm animals, or Autistic kids LOVE horses.
Getting old
Friday, August 13, 2010
On another note
On my mind
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
So Close
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Why play Rummy Kube when I can just critique others?
Babysitter Extraordinaire and I took The Little Person to the science museum in Montshire. Unfortunately the on ramp to 91 was closed, so it took us an extra fifteen minutes to get there. We had such a great time that we decided to try out one of their short trails and. ended up at the water activities outside at the back of the museum. The Little Person got soaking wet, had a meltdown and was only mildly assuaged by the water BE got by buying juice, chugging half, emptying it and filling it with water.
I made a decent tikka masala for dinner with chicken, and opted out of round three of Rummy Kube. I will be up at four tomorrow and I want to be ready!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Thursday, May 27, 2010
School Lunch
This summer I will need to pack two lunches every day that my children may or may not eat. That their teachers or grownups in charge will see and tell me whether they ate or not. They say they don't judge but, I know they are wondering why I send the soup when clearly child number one or two won't eat it.
These are the things I think about. Believe it....or not.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Here's the Story, of a Girl Named Ami
Friday, May 14, 2010
The Newest Member of Our Family
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The Farm, The Walk, The Birthday, The Moms
Thursday, May 6, 2010
With New Eyes
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Thing One And Thing Two
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Day One

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Before I Go Gently Into That Goodnight
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Sunny Shine and Grandparents
After I washed the sand out by splashing water in his face, M called and said he couldn't get a cart. First he didn't have change and then the machine didn't work. So we walked with the kids and the four bags out to the rental car. AWESOME. I may or may not have dragged a bag or two. Once we are in the car, we're golden. Except The Little Person usually cries. The whole way to Grandma's house. But not this time. He did TALK the whole way, but that's another story. So the kids did well; they both carried their own backpacks, and the Little Person didn't cry. Sam fell asleep a little before 6PM, and at first the plan was to wake him up at 7 and keep him up for a few hours before putting him to bed. But nobody had the heart to wake him, so M finally carried him off to bed and put him out of his misery. Then he slept till 12:30AM, 2:30, 3:30 and 4. Finally Grandma came to my rescue and we slept till 7! Lazy day with playing in the backyard and going to the big pool. Sam took a nap before lunchtime, so he should be good to go tonight. Afternoon rest/movie for the kids and reading a book in the casita time for Mommy. And golf cart rides for all!
Sam refuses to put on shorts other than his bathing suit, but I will try to get a good picture of him to upload, hopefully with a good view of his missing teeth.
I am just about caught up on trashy magazines. I found out that Oprah was gay and Tori Spelling is anorexic. Go figure!
Friday, April 16, 2010
How far We Have Come
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Another Day, Another Dollar
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Post Christmas Letdown

Not sure if I can post to the blog outside here in my adirondack chair, but I can certainly type and post later. It is a little cool though in the shade, which is the only place I can see to write. I have taken off my sun hat and sunglasses, and am taking advantage of a few moments of peace. I am writing because I am not feeling motivated to do much else.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Safe At Home

I just wandered around the house for 15 minutes looking for my coffee, if that is any indication of things around here. It was so hot last night that I couldn't sleep, so about 12:30AM I went down to the basement where it was much cooler. I think I dozed for a while, but then something woke me, and I couldn't stop thinking of Sam's impending oral surgery. I watched TV for a while, and then Sam woke up at 4. At 5 I let Sam out and M got up while I went back to bed until 8. Sam was NPO (nothing to eat or drink) after midnight Wednesday, so we emptied the snack drawer and hid the hot dogs in the pantry under lock and key. Babysitter Extraordinaire (BE) had made a couple of batches of jello for Sam, so he ate some of that along with some watered down apple juice. We didn't send Sam to school today, so after The Little Person went to school we three just hung out for a while and got our stuff together.